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The health crisis caused by the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus has disrupted practically all aspects of our lives: companies and businesses, ways of working, leisure and relationship proposals, etc.

At MINAGRIND we are sensitive to the uncertainty generated in companies, caused by the slowdown in the economy and the changes in the markets, both in the short and in the medium and long term. Faced with this uncertainty, we believe that it is necessary to transmit security and confidence to customers and other interest groups (shareholders, suppliers, workers, financial institutions, etc.), in an orderly and planned manner, considering the whole organization and the activity environment.

MINAGRIND’s methodology is focused on the continuous improvement of organizations:

In this sense, the MINAGRIND team works to offer an integral service of IMPULSE TO THE ACTIVITY of the organizations:

At MINAGRIND we want to make ourselves available to companies to recover and boost their activity, working together, with all the strength, with all the courage!